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Интервью с Лордом Вампиром от 14 мая 2009 года!
1.-Lord Vampyr! First of all we could say as the idea of making your new band?
After some experience with my other project like CAIN and Shadowsreign, I felt it was time to return to my main project LORD VAMPYR, more people was waiting for.

2.-Which is the current line-up of Lord Vampyr band?
Lord Vampyr:Vocals
Lady Eter: Female vocals,
Seth 666: Guitars,
Endymion: Keyboards

3.-Because you decided to leave Theatres Des Vampires and who is staying with the name of the band?
There were more personal problems…for the name is another story but I don’t want to tell…Sorry!!

4.-As is your relationship with the members of Theatres Des Vampires?

5.-If you asked returning to Theatres Des Vampires would you?
I don’t believe.

6.-Could define your own words what is the style of music you play now?
Avant-garde metal

7.-How long now have into metal, remember which was the first album you bought or got?
Mmm…I don’t remember…IRON MAIDEN…maybe..

8.-Lord Vampyr has played on tours outside of Italy and with whom?
No, it’s the first time that I play with LORD VAMPYR outside of Italy.

9.-Girls who are appearing on the cover of your CD "De Vampirica Philosophia" one of them is your girlfriend?
Oh no, are just friends of my friends eheh

10.-What are your biggest influences as vocalist and guitarist?
King Diamond, Hetfield , Araya [for vocals]….for the guitar I don’t’ know.

11.-When you decide to become a musician and instruments that play?
Was 1987…the music is my life…the guitar is my instrument from the begin.

12.-That inspires you to compose your music and your lyrics that speak?
Films, books and music, but sometime I have a melody in my head and then born a song.

13.-Who do you composed the track from "Carmilla…Whispers from the grave? Carmilla exists or is just an imaginary?
Oh no…is just a tale…

14.-We could say briefly that the lyrics speak of your CD "De Vampirica Philosophia"?
Gothic stories are usually all set in places reminiscent of the Carpathians and the Transylvanian

15.-Could tell Us how is the process of composition? Compose your first in Italian and then into English or vice versa?
Usually I write the lyrics first because it helps me to understand in which direction should I move with the music, I try to make me carry the emotions of the lyrics.

16.-As is the underground scene in your Country, there are enough pubs or clubs to play metal music?
There are more clubs but the problem is that the owner prefer to show only a cover band or metalcore band, and then when there are the concert of the local band no more people come.
17.-Personally what the best Italian bands for you?
Lacuna Coil, Novembre, Vision Divine, Spite Extreme Wings.

18.-Lord Vampyr is a solid band or is just a project? or is it something you want to do for a long time?
Lord Vampyr now is a solid band and we are working on new songs…

19.-What could We say about these bands: Shadowsreign, Sepolcrum & Cain? You have played in bands and these are different styles of music from gothic metal, doom / death metal & black metal, We could say that you are not difficult to play these styles? These are just some projects or is a solid band?
These are projects, Shadowsreign is a closed chapter, for Cain I’m working on the new songs.

20.-Whom think the girls are sexy and hottest in the world? And what would be the perfect girl for you?
I love the latin girls…black hair…the perfect girl is a person that believe in me and support my choice and so on…

21.-When you're on tour you keep connected to your relatives or family?
Yes I call them everyday.

22.-Which is the best pub you've found in any of touring and what is your favorite beer?
I don’t know cause every pub and club has a special feature or something that I like. Beer: Corona.

23.-In which city You live now and as is the underground scene there?
I live in Rome, there are more good bands like Hour of Penance, Fleshgod Apocalypse, Ade…and some of others

24.- You came to Mexico or in any occasion this will be the first time that you do?
It’s the first time.

25.-Cities that have confirmed your tour of Mexico? And what do you think about the Mexican fans?
After the first part of the tour interrupted for the epidemy, now we come back in August/September

26.-Do you have any plans for upcoming tour with Cain in Mexico?
No, Cain is a solo project, I was playing just a concert in Rome.

27.-Something to add?
Thanks to all great fans in MEXICO…see U soon!!!

Категория: Оригиналы (без перевода) | Добавил: Aeterna_Nox (15.05.2009)
Просмотров: 588 | Комментарии: 1 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1 |
Всего комментариев: 1
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