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Интервью Сони Скарлет Metal-Temple (Англ. версия)

Hi Sonya! First of all welcome to the Temple!

Thanks for your bloody invitation!

Since 2004 you?re the only singer of Theatres Des Vampires. Was it hard for a girl to reach this position?

Not at all. Luckily we do have some Metal bands around with dark and powerful front girls at the moment. Personally I love Tarja, the ex-Nightwish singer, and I think that there?ll be more women in near future. Anyway, the problem was that in our band the main voice was a male voice so, it was more difficult for me changing everything than starting something from the beginning. I worked hard in order to make my voice perfectly connected with our old songs at our live shows and I found my own style for the new album. It was a kind of surprise for our fans so I had to prove that with me the band goes on better than before. I?m here because I worked hard during these years to show everybody that a good looking girl can also have a strong personality and a good voice. Now I?m ready for everything.
And when you?re on tour, is it easy for you?

We just finished our UK tour and, as I also saw in the past, there were some difficulties of course. It?s not easy living on a bus, touring with several men because your privacy cannot be the same, I mean: changing room, sleeping, taking a shower, etc. You must share everything but, after the first days, you don?t mind about these things also because the guys of my band are my blood brothers so it is easier for me to do everything with them, they help me survive!

Anyway, the music always comes first and what we want to give to our fans is our soul and our hard work doing every evening a great show. These normal, small diseases are nothing compared to it.

Well, let?s talk about "Plesure And Pain", the new Theatres Des Vampires album. How would you recommend your new album to people who haven?t heard it yet?

The "Pleasure And Pain" album is a new step, quite different from the past, that drives our music into a different conception of vampirism and music, more connected to the Gothic Metal style, far away from Black Metal but not less powerful and strong, full of Theatres Des Vampires atmospheres. I absolutely love it because it shows our feelings, our emotions, a new era of vampirism is beginning, so, follow us.

You wrote all the lyrics for "Plesure And Pain". Your first inspiration?

I wrote all the lyrics during a very depressive and painful period of my life. I talk about hate, mental disease, soul pain, obsessions, death and whatever I felt in my heart in a romantic and decadent way. In our last CD I also decided to dedicate two songs of "Pleasure And Pain" to two of my favorite writers: Carducci and Novalis. In "My Lullaby" you can hear one part of "The Hymns To The Night" of Novalis; this song is a melancholic lullaby for my dear and obscure night, my eternal bride. In the "Reason And Sense" song you can find the beginning of the "Hymn To Satan" of Carducci. It?s dedicated to the fall of Lucifer, the most romantic and evil character in this grotesque theater that is our own life.

What are your favorite tracks on your newest album?

I love all our songs of course, but my favorites are "My Lullaby", "Solitude" and "Rosa Mistero". I feel a strong emotion when I sing them.

"Plesure And Pain" is rich in special guests: your favorite and worst

Collaborations were?

We had some very good collaborators in this album of course; all our guest did a very good job, different voices for different songs and interpretations. We?ve got Flegias of Necrodeath and Dhilorz of Ancient with a powerful and dramatic screaming, Nicholas of Ensoph with a beautiful and crazy voice, perfect for the "Pleasure and Pain" song, completely out of mind, and Giampaolo Caprino, the Stormlord guitar player, my favorite of all because he?s got a very dark and deep voice; I love it.

About Bruno Grahm of Das Ich, he made a remix of "Pleasure And Pain" and this version is amazing. Thanks to all of them for their collaboration, they helped us make a good CD.

What can you tell me about the tour?

About the UK tour, well, we?ve just finished it a few days ago. It was good but we had lots of problems with our management and organization. I don?t want to talk about it because it?s not professional. Anyway, I had a lot of fun in Coventry and London. Beautiful gigs with bloody and hot people - I love them! The last gig was at the Underworld, in London, and there we had an interview with Redemption TV that filmed our show, so, I hope you?ll see it somewhere, it was bloody cool.
Many fans consider you a sex symbol. Are you proud of that?

I?m not proud of being a sex symbol because I?m just myself all the time. This is something that you?ve got inside. I can also be very rude or impolite or fight with someone till the last drop of blood; it depends on the situation. I?m aggressive and sweet at the same time.

What I can tell you is that I?m proud to be here now, with my band and with our music and if I?m a sex symbol, ok, be careful, I bite!

Do you listen to other kinds of music except Gothic?

I love Black Metal, Thrash, Doom, something about apocalyptic Folk? Anyway my favorite bands of all time are Elend, Katatonia ("Dance of The December Souls"), Samael, Naglfar, Morbid Angel, Diamanda Galas, Crematory, and more?

Your hobbies?

I love writing and painting. I?m a fashion designer also if it?s not my work (sic). I also love studying art, theatre and music at my University. For me there?s no difference between work and hobbies, I must love what I do all the time.

Which song would you like to be played at you funeral?

Ludwig van Beethoven?s "Symphony no. 9" played by a real orchestra in a desecrated church under the candlelight.

A message to all our readers.

Thank you Metal Temple for your interview and to your bloody readers for being here with us. I hope you?ll enjoy our new work. Keep the thirst alive! A bloody and deadly kiss from Scarlet.

Thanks a lot Sonya, we hope to see you soon.

Категория: Оригиналы (без перевода) | Добавил: destroyer (01.12.2008)
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